You were born a divine being with a desire to expand your understanding of yourself and the Universe through your own spirituality.
Everyone is born psychic. Strengthening your psychic muscles is your responsibility to yourself to help you achieve your dreams, goals, and desires. Getting to know yourself on a deeper level helps you do that. You are the greatest gift you can give to the world. Developing your psychic abilities can help you to be the very best version of yourself. You owe it to yourself to harness that deep understanding so you may love yourself on a higher level.
A spiritual practice consists of anything you do consistently to acknowledge yourself as a spiritual being created from energy. This self-knowledge is the first step to opening your psychic abilities. A spiritual practice helps you focus on your connection to your Inner Being, also known as your Higher Self. You are an eternal, multidimensional being having a human experience. You stepped your energy down through dimensions in order to inhabit a human vessel. Becoming human causes you to forget who you truly are, but also allows you to create in the physical world. However, there is always the majority of you that is living in the higher dimensional realms. The next higher vibration of your energy is your Inner Being. Your Inner Being lives within you and sees everything from total recall as well as through a higher perspective of understanding and knowledge. Having a spiritual practice will assist you to get to know and align yourself with your Inner Being.
Energy healing helps balance and align your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. It helps maintain your energy, provides protection, helps with pain relief, brings calm and focus, and cleanses and balances your Chakras. Your body needs energy to thrive, but most people walk around in survival mode. Healing practices such as Yoga, Reiki, Tuning Forks, and other modalities help you recover, rejuvenate, and balance your energy. This is as important as good nutrition, exercise, and quality sleep. Explore different healing modalities. A lot of them can be used in conjunction with one another to help you heal yourself.
A meditation practice is taking the time each day to quiet your mind. When you take a few minutes each day to disconnect from the outer world and mindfully connect to your inner world, you will strengthen the bond you have with yourself. Doing so allows you to experience guidance from the one who knows you best, your Inner Being. Meditation does take practice, but the benefits are far-reaching.
It can help you focus, calm anxiety, create a sense of safety and peacefulness, improve your relationships by helping you know yourself on a deeper level, and it can help you make decisions that are for your highest and best good. Meditation has even been proven to help stop bullying in schools. We humans tend to be very self-critical. Meditation helps us to know and love ourselves as we are.
While it is possible to develop your psychic abilities on your own, it is helpful to find a partner or group who have the same goal. Working with a group helps you to flourish through the sharing of experiences, doing psychic readings with one another, group meditation, guided meditation, and emotional support. Having a spiritual teacher leading the group who can help answer questions, help you understand your experiences, and point out your strengths will help you develop in ways you may not have easily picked up on for yourself. The spiritual teacher is a guide and experienced leader who can also help hold you accountable to keep up your practice through giving you assignments that will help you to expand your own unique gifts. Some teachers offer one-on-one coaching that can assist you in your spiritual growth.
Participating in classes that help expand your understanding and knowledge of a variety of techniques, tools, and approaches can help you to better expand your ability to use and understand your gifts. Learning about the Chakras, how to use a pendulum, how to read cards, how to tap into Guides, knowledge of your own past lives, etc. can all bring a rich understanding into your tapestry of self-knowledge.
For more information on how you can work with me on your psychic development, please click on the link below. I offer group work as well as sessions for individual development.
Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Therefore, Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing on this website should be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) encourages you to seek the care of a licensed healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. Information or guidance provided by Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) makes no guarantees or warranties related to her service.