Growth is always done through shift and change. Universal Law states that nothing is stagnant. Life and experiences are always shifting us into new states of reality and consciousness. As Gaia shifts, so do we.
Humans by nature do not like change. We would rather stay where we are and be miserable than take the chances that bring new growth and new life experiences. The Angels want you to know that 2023 is all about personal growth, which always brings change. These changes will include leaving old stories and identities of the past behind and letting go of outdated beliefs and old global systems. Change always brings growth.
Personal growth is about getting out of our comfort zone, out of the same routines, out of boredom. It helps us to get ‘unstuck’. It is a good thing that lifts us up and elevates us into higher states of conscious awareness. It causes us to focus on ourselves, our desires, our needs, and our Inner Being. What do you want for your future? The Universe wants to know! As you explore this question, it is important to understand that all change brings improvement to your life.
From a spiritual perspective, look back now on all the changes you have been through in your life. Each one gave you the opportunity to move forward in your personal story. Remember there is no need to dissect the past as to what went ‘wrong’, or why. The human part of you wants to judge past experiences as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. What if you looked at them all as ‘good’? See the lessons you learned, the opportunities you were given, the moves you either chose to make, or had to make. Doing this will help you mentally and emotionally navigate through all the challenges and exciting opportunities that you will experience in 2023. Need guidance for help understanding this? Contact me.
As we bring 2022 to a close, we are being given the opportunity to rewrite our story. Our world is going to experience drastic changes in how it operates. All the global systems are breaking down so new systems of service to the people can be put into place. There will be some chaos, for remodeling anything whether it be a kitchen or a world, always requires destruction. It is only through a clean slate that all can begin anew. We as a global society have outgrown the old systems. New ones are being birthed which will create improvements in our world and personal lives. So this is the time to place your vote. What do you want to create in your world, your life?
Today is a good day to start right where you are and go in the direction towards where you want to be. Stop repeating the same old stories; everyone has already heard them all. Those old stories keep you locked in the past and 2023 is all about creating your bright future. Breathe. Shift your focus into where you are in your life now. Take stock of what you would like to shift or expand. Change is always an opportunity to grow and expand. Expansion is an opportunity for more…. More money, more abundance, more health, more happiness, more fun, more beauty, more peace, more compassion, more love, more wellness….Repeat this today, throughout your day, as you change from one activity to another.
“Everything is always working out for me.”
It’s time to manifest your future. What do you want it to be in 2023?
Would you like to know what all of the change and growth means for you personally? Book your 2023 Forecast. You’ll learn what to expect from each month so you can fully embrace the opportunities of 2023. CLICK HERE TO BOOK YOUR TIME
Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Therefore, Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing on this website should be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) encourages you to seek the care of a licensed healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. Information or guidance provided by Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) makes no guarantees or warranties related to her service.