Crystals are a great tool to use in meditation. They each have their own strengths and energetic properties that can help you achieve a deeper, more transcendental meditation experience. Each crystal has the ability to connect with Spirit in order to help you receive guidance and clarity. Some crystals also help with relaxation, stress reduction, and relieving anxiety. Meditating with crystals is a great way to self-care. Taking time to disconnect from the outside world and focusing on you is a wonderful way to show yourself some love and appreciation.
Selenite: This beautiful shiny white crystal is very high vibrational. It connects you to the higher realms of consciousness by raising your energetic vibrational frequency. This is a wonderful crystal to help you bring forth inner wisdom, see a situation from a higher spiritual perspective, connect with your Guides and Angels, recalibrate your energy, and rebalance your Chakras.
Amethyst: Amethyst is also a high-vibe crystal. It connects you with the Divine Feminine, opens your Third Eye, clears brain fog, and aligns with higher wisdom. This beautiful purple crystal helps you with psychic development and creates a safe and sacred space. Meditate with this crystal when you are unhappy with something in your life and wish to change it for the better.
Emerald: The rich green beauty of Emerald is here to help you heal and bring prosperity. Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of healing. Meditate with this crystal and ask for his help when you or a loved one are suffering with illness. Illness often leads to medical bills. This crystal opens the door to receiving prosperity and abundance. It connects you with the healing power of love which transcends all difficulty.
Ocean Jasper: This colorful crystal is also known as Orbicular Jasper due to the colorful orbs seen throughout this beautiful stone. Ocean Jasper is a wonderful crystal that helps you balance your emotions, go with the flow, and be intentional with your thoughts. It helps shift old patterns by connecting you to past lives where some of these patterns may have first begun.
It is found on the seashore and its salty presence cleanses and detoxifies the body and emotions.
Moonstone: Moonstone comes in a variety of colors, including white, peach, black, and rainbow. It is affiliated with feminine cycles, higher perception of self, and intuition. Rainbow Moonstone helps you focus inward for self-observation, self-reflection, self-care, and self-love. It’s all about you and your relationship with yourself. Black Moonstone helps deal with grief and trauma. It clears stress and helps cleanse you from energy cords that have been attached to you. Peach Moonstone is excellent at calming emotions and bringing in the energies of peace and contentment. Meditating with any variety of Moonstone connects you with the healing powers of the Divine Feminine.
Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz carries the energies of unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness. Meditate with this divine pink crystal when you want to achieve greater self-love, appreciation, compassion, and understanding for yourself and others. This crystal bridges the upper and lower Chakras by activating the heart connection with the upper spiritual Chakras and connecting to the lower Earth Chakras. Through these energies you can heal low self-worth and low self-esteem. You can create the conditions through which you experience the power and beauty of unconditional love.
Paired with Jade and Amethyst the power of unconditional love opens the higher spiritual gateways through which abundance, prosperity, blessings, good luck, and excellent health can flow…
Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is an amplifier and Master Healer crystal. It is the must-have crystal that works with all deities, all realms, and all Chakras. It amplifies the energies of any other crystal it is paired with, but is perfect for using alone as well. Use this crystal in every meditation.
People once believed that it was water blessed by God to retain its icy form in all temperatures. Quartz was frequently found in higher altitudes, reinforcing this belief.
Lapis Lazuli: This crystal was once crushed and used by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. They believed by wearing this lovely deep blue crystal around their eyes and on their golden headdresses, they could connect with the higher sight, truth, and wisdom of higher consciousness. They were right, but you don’t need to wear this beautiful crystal as eye makeup. You can just hold it in your hand and allow yourself to connect with the Source of All That Is. This calming crystal helps relieve anger, agitation, and anxiety. It is an excellent stone for dream recall. Meditating with this crystal before bed can help you sleep on your problems and awaken to solutions.
Labradorite: This enchanting crystal connects to the Heart, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras. It is the perfect crystal for help with meditation, lucid dreaming, psychic development, and spiritual awareness. It helps you see life through a different lens, mirroring your awareness of yourself, your relationships, and your emotions. Meditate with this crystal when you want to change preconceived notions you have about yourself and others. It can also help you break through limiting beliefs.
Fluorite: This somewhat transparent crystal comes in many hues and colors. It is an excellent crystal for the beginner in spiritual work and meditation as it is friendly and easy to connect with for communication with the higher realms. It brings a deeper alignment with body, mind, and spirit. It promotes peace and wholeness, and is calming when you are first embracing the development of your psychic gifts. Fluorite helps calm anxiety and brings things into focus, helping you to retain information. Meditate with this gentle crystal when you are a student, learning anything new. It will help you to become confident and proficient.
Meditation with crystals takes your awareness and experience to new heights. Congratulations for taking the time to give yourself the gift of meditation.
Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) is not a licensed medical doctor, chiropractor, osteopathic physician, naturopathic doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or other formally licensed healthcare professional. Therefore, Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) does not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing on this website should be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) encourages you to seek the care of a licensed healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. Information or guidance provided by Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) should not be construed as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. Sounds Spiritual Wellness (Angela Moore) makes no guarantees or warranties related to her service.